Closest Number

by Mt. Ford Studios



Shoot the enemy by pressing the space station that contains the closest number.

GOALShoot the enemy by pressing the space station that contains the closest number. Use your mathematics skills to quickly calculate the nearest value.SPACE STATIONSThere are three space stations toward the bottom of the screen. Each contains a number. You must press the space station that has a value closest to the number of the approaching enemy. E.g. If your space stations contain the numbers 2, 5, and 8 respectively, and the enemy contains a 3, you must press the left space station (i.e. 2). If your space stations contain the numbers 3, 8, and 13, and the enemy contains a 6, you must press the middle space station (i.e. 8). 6 is closer to 8 than to 3 or 13.GAME OVERThe game will end in one of two ways:1. You press the wrong space station, that is, you press the space station that does not contain the closest number.2. The enemy strikes your middle space station. Some enemies move faster than others, so you must act quickly.LEVELEach level contains 30 enemies of varying speeds. When you have dispatched all enemies, you will advance to the next level. As the levels progress, your space stations and the enemies will contain larger numbers. It will become harder to calculate the closest number. The maximum level is 21, at which point Hard Mode will become active.HARD MODEHard Mode is available after beating the game on normal, i.e. by completing level 21. Hard Mode uses five space stations instead of three. Furthermore, the game continues ad infinitum, that is, there is no final level.SCOREFor each enemy destroyed, the score increases by the current level. The highest score attained is stored locally on your device. The highest Hard Mode score is stored separately.ENEMIESGreen - Oval - SlowOrange - Rectangle - MediumRed - Hexagon - FastAPP DETAILSName: Closest NumberVersion: 1.0.0 Closest Number is a free game because it uses in-game advertising.v.1.0.1 - add support for Android 7v.1.0.1 - prevent interstitial ads from freezing the game